Monday, 18 October 2010


I swing despairing through the trees,
Heartbroken for my baby who they took away:
No longer can she leap and play,
Loved by me, happy and free,
And filled with glee the live-long day,
Happy and hiding among the fluttering leaves,
As the branches bend and sway
In the cooling breeze.

Now my baby just sits and cries
Alone in the sweltering heat of a cage,
And cannot even see the sky;
Why, oh why did they steal her life,
And pierce her soul
With the knife of cold indifference?

Sometimes I see them as they pass below:
They do not know that I am here,
Watching how their fierce eyes glow
And burn with desire
To demolish or destroy with fire
The forest which is our home and joy,
And has been since the start of time;
Why, oh why do they commit this crime?
