Friday 19 March 2010



Please let me strut about the world

For 5 years more,

In chauffeur-driven cars

And private jets,

And all at your expense:

Please don't see through me yet.

Please, please don't laugh

At my bloated body and squalid mind,

My wobbling jowls and childish scowls,

And at my senseless rages;

At how I try to humiliate my staff,

And throw my papers on the floor,

And if anyone dare to disagree

Or stand up to me,

I'm a master of the smear,

The sneer and the leer.

I've no more feeling

Than a fish on a slab:

All I have is the gift of the gab;

I'm a big bag of wind,

Of nastiness and spin,

Pretending to be wise,

For I neither say what I mean,

Nor mean what I say;

How lucky you can't read between the lies!

Please, please don't see through me yet,

How I've ruined your nation and stolen your freedom,

Cunningly concealing my sins,

So most of you haven't even noticed

That you're under the rule of a selfish fool.

Please let me hurl my bulky body around the globe

For 5 years more,

Instructing people how to live,

Pretending to be their saviour,

Deceiving them as I have deceived you.

Please, please don't see through me yet!

I so enjoy the feelings and trappings of power,

And endlessly posing as the man of the hour:

Please. please don't see through me yet!

Give me 5 years more!


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