Wednesday 26 May 2010


There is a sunbeam in my life,
That shines all day
And shines all night
And scatters starlight in my heart,
And fills my striving soul with light.

The balm of heaven in his kiss,
Eternal beauty in his smile,
He has come from halls of bliss,
And in that love-filled paradise
His spirit lingers yet awhile.

He reaches up with trusting hand
For me to guide his shaky step;
Yet I it is who need his help
To lead me to the promised land.

He has a magic year or two,
Before his body traps his mind,
And binds it with demanding flesh,
And wraps it in the complex mesh
Of all the things men fill their lives with.

And I am near the end of the road
That leads to where he's come from;
And I needed to be reassured,
And shown the living love of God.

But when I see each joyous step
And the radiant beauty of his smile,
I know that God is with me yet,
And with me
To the end of time.


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